Some Times it Pays to Treat Yourself Like a Kid… i feel like I’ve done this before

This is how I know that I am still a giant kid... I saw this and it made me smile. Pokemon toys are now available in McDonald's Happy Meals. I justify myself getting a child's meal with the fact that they are actually the correct serving size

Sometimes It Pays To Treat Yourself Like A Kid

This is how I know that I am still a giant kid... I saw this and it made me smile. Pokemon toys are now available in McDonald's Happy Meals. I justify myself getting a child's meal with the fact that they are actually the correct serving size

Because Every Now N’ Then You Gotta Shut Off Your Brain N’ Say Nya

Hello! It's been a while. Just a lil something to show we still love ya... or hate ya, you decide.

Good News for Pokemon Black & White Owners

The earth may quake and seas may rage but you can't keep a pokefan down. Barely even a month after the devastating earthquake and tsunami flooding in Japan people are starting to get back to business. The Pokemon Global Link was set to launch

Monster Tale DS

It's been a while since I had this much fun with a game, where I power it on to try it out for a few minutes only to end up playing all night with out realizing it. Yes, from the folks that brought us socially acceptable child abuse on the WII